Thursday 24 July 2014

Once Erasmus, Always Erasmus

I guess it’s true what they say: once Erasmus, always Erasmus. If you ever become an Erasmus student, you realise that immediately, the moment you step into this new amazing experience. 

I spent my Erasmus period in Vilnius, Lithuania, during the first semester of the current academic year (2013/2014), and I could easily say it's been the best experience of my life so far. From the beginning of my University studies I knew I wanted to go study abroad with the Erasmus programme, so when the time to do it finally came I took my chances and applied. I wasn't sure I would be chosen since nowadays many students want to take part in it, so when the acceptance letter (more or less like the acceptance letter from Hogwarts ;)) arrived on March 14th, 2013 (yes, I do still remember the exact day it came!!) I could not be happier. 

Some months passed before I really got to leave for Vilnius and they were not that easy: I had mixed feelings! Excitement, happiness, joy, anxiety together with stress and worry kept passing through my mind. It's the never old feeling towards the unknown that made the wait so heavy but so whirlwind.

And in a flash August 31st came and my adventure began. 

Discovering the city and getting to know places, neighborhoods, shops, bars and clubs was one of the best parts, especially during the first few weeks when everything is new and exciting :D

These are some pictures from my first days there:

Vilnius new part from Gedimino's Castle

Old Town from Gedimino's Castle

Vilnius Old Town from Three Crosses Hill
Cathedral Square (They were probably building a stage for an upcoming event, there were a lot!)

The view from the dormitory balcony (yes, we were surrounded by woods and loved it ;))
Getting to know the university buildings and being able to find classrooms was another great adventure we went through at the beginning. I remember wandering around the Philology Faculty for about 20 minutes before finally founding the Survival Lithuanian course lecture room. :D

During the first week all Erasmus students were also invited to take part in the University Parade that every September marks the beginning of the new Academic Year. The entire students' body of the Vilnius University partecipates in it, divided into Faculty groups distinguishable by some typical symbols and items they carried with them. It is a long walk from the beginning to the end of the main street of Vilnius, Gedimino Prospektas!

Part of the Parade (unfortunately it was raining :( )

Rapresentatives of the Faculty of  Natural Sciences
Buut, all that being said I must tell you that the best part was, of course, the PEOPLE! Yes, people, the people I met are the main reason why I enjoyed Erasmus so much! Meeting new people is always a good experience but in this particular context it is even better because everyone is so open that there's no embarassment whatsoever. And it was not merely about meeting new people, but it was more like meeting new cultures!! Living in such an international environment made me grow personally and mentally a lot. I think that now I'm more open-minded than I ever was before! :D

Listing all the people I met and all the things I discovered living with all of them would be very long and I'm sure I would forget some of them so I won't even try, but they're all in my mind and in my heart (Guys, if you're reading me I miss you all so much <3).

 I'm really glad this programme was created and I hope it will even become better in the future, because, let's be honest, everything can always improve!

 Nonetheless I would suggest every student from every Country to become an Erasmus student: it's a life-changing experience! :D

Aaand, if you wish to find out more about Erasmus check here:
and also my friend Raul's blog:

Hope you enjoyed this post! 

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