Tuesday 2 September 2014

When laziness strikes..

Hello people! I've been absent for a while, I know. But the truth is: I didn't know what to write about, I love sharing my travelling experiences with you but that's not all I want to talk about on this blog. I actually haven't figured out yet what's the main topic of this blog, so I guess it is, and it will remain, a random mixture of stuff. :) 

Anyway today I thought I would talk about lazy days. Who does not love lazy days? Well, I do and I had a lot this strange summer since the rain showed up quite frequently and going out wasn't a possible option on those lucky days when you don't have to study, nore to work, and you just can enjoy. One of the things that I really love doing when I have spare time is cooking; I find it relaxing and satisfying at the same time, since you get something done from it (if you can get a good result, of course ;P). 
I remember the first time I baked bread.
I really felt like experimenting that day and when I found this easy recipe on Facebook, I said to myself "why not?!" and decided to give it a try. I had almost everything I needed at home, expect from the yeast. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I needed to go grocery shopping anyway, so while I was there I got the yeast and the moment I got back home I started my experiment. Since it was as easy as I expected it to be, even if it takes quite a bit of time because of the leavening, and the result was awesome (my brother could confirm that :)), I thought I would also share the recipe (that can also be found here  but just in Italian!).  Unfortunately I don't have a picture of my masterpiece but you can get an idea on how it should look clicking on the previous link!

400g cake flour
8g salt
1g brewer’s yeast
300g cold water(12°-18°)
Start off by mixing flour, salt and yeast in a big bowl. Then add the water and mix it well with your hands for about 30 seconds. Now you'll have to cover the bowl with some plastic wrap and leave it there to rise for 18-20 hours. Then , after covering in flour your worktop, pour the mixture that had been rising on it and fold it up until you get a fine ball out of it. Now it'll have to rise for two hours more. After that you just put it in a pot, a cast-iron one would be the best choice, and in the oven, preheated at 180°, for about one hour. Taaa-da! You will now have baked a delicious bread! Enjoy!! :D
Weeell, that's all for today, folks! 
Hope you liked reading this post :)

A smile,

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